Advanced Academic Program Overview

The basics of academic writing are key, but what separates two writers who have both a command of the language and the ability to use evidence to support their arguments?  In Ivy Bridge's Advanced Academic class, we continue to develop the fundamentals while introducing and growing the more subjective, refined and advanced elements. 

The depth, quality and amount/diversity of evidence is a relatively straightforward measure that distinguishes a superior argument from a lesser one.  A less objective yardstick by which to judge is the method of explanation, i.e. using examples that take what is familiar to the reader in order to present what is less familiar, foreign or unknown.  Even more subjective yet but still very important are the tone, structure and style of the presentation. 

Outside of the actual writing, there are two important skills to master.  How to think is the major asset the student will carry with him or her for the rest of life.  The other important faculty students will learn outside of writing is how to research properly.  They need to learn where to look and how to properly sift through information in order to be efficient.  There are so many sources now from old-fashioned physical books to podcasts, from journal articles to YouTube videos.  And not only do they need to know how to look in the right places and know what they can and cannot use as acceptable evidence, they must learn how to cite the works they use so they are not in front of the judicial council for plagiarism. 

Lastly, a fortunate by-product of the course is exposure to many of the most important philosophical and political modes of thought in the West (and the famous people who developed them); this experience will not only enrich the student’s life both academically and otherwise, but also allow him/her to be impressive in erudite conversations with elite intellectuals and businessmen thus garnering respect from both groups.   The quality of a reference carries nearly as much weight as its proper use.  

Here’s a portfolio of what students who takes the program would have and the important people with whom they will be familiar. Curriculum For All 6 Semesters

Course Information

Fall/Winter 2021 Course

Winter/SPring 2022 Course